FiInally got time to mill the wax
Got some time for catch up in the morning. So did the Wax milling using my design. There was something wrong when using png for cutting so exported the design as .stl loaded it in the Fab Modules. Beware that it will hang your system while loading the .stl file. So be patient. We do wax milling as a two step process, first the rough should cut then the fine cut. The rough will have a larger bit than the fine. Adjust the overlap or even change the bit to a smaller one so that we can get a finer finish. So in about half an hour I milled out my design.
Video Conferencing
Its very important to have a video conferencing facility in every labs. It would be the window that connects to the rest of the labs and MIT. So setuped our lab conference facility using a combination of Ekiga and a stable internet connection. Franc also explained how the communications will be done during fab academy course, how to use the and how to navigate aroud the channel etc.
We did a test conference with Fab Lab Barcelona to check the connections and to give us a feel of how it is.
I too installed Ekiga, didn’t encounter any problem while installing it. Tried to connect to but the FabLab 2 conection blocks tha port and FabLab connection is damn slow !!!
So Franc asked us to try it back home.
Shop Bot
We discussed about the design parameteres and how to install the 2D works software using wine. there were no problems durinf installation. Franc also made our Fab Manger to setup a DropBox account for the lab and he shared the installation files in there.